Net Price Calculator
SEARK College’s Estimator helps families plan for educational costs at SEARK College. By entering information below you can use this secure tool to receive a financial aid package estimate that includes an estimated SEARK College “net price” figure (estimated costs less anticipated need-based federal and state grant aid). Cost estimates are based on 2021-22 figures and aid estimates are based on 2021-2022 award rules. SEARK College assumes a student will file the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).
You may want to calculate an expected family contribution (EFC) with an estimated parental contribution (PC) and student contribution (SC) from a separate website calculator. For an approximation of a family EFC, PC, and SC we recommend using the calculator making sure to select the “Federal Methodology” formula and appropriate aid year.
Keep in mind that this is not a financial aid application and that the data provided or estimator results are not stored by SEARK College. In order to receive actual financial aid awards, the FAFSA must be submitted each year of attendance.
Click here to estimate educational expenses:

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