SEARK Alerts

SEARK All Hazards
Emergency Response Plan

An emergency is defined as any state requiring immediate actions to prevent dire consequences, usually immediate threat to life, limb or property.

In case of emergency contact
Department of Public Safety
Emergency Telephone Number: 870-850-4911

SEARK Alert (e2Campus Emergency Alert) Sign Up and Login Link

Emergency Situations

Steps to Take in Emergency Situations:

1. Remain calm and speak clearly when communicating!

2. Contact the Department of Public Safety (DPS) at 870-850-4911.

  • Give your name and present location
  • Indicate if the call is for medical or psychological crisis, and /or criminal activity
  • Give the nature of the situation – including whether weapons are present
  • Give the name(s) of the person(s) in crisis, if possible
  • Give a description of the individual(s) involved in the suspicious/criminal activity
  • Remain with the person in crisis, if possible

3. A SEARK DPS officer will respond. They will investigate the incident, make a report, and follow through with details. Other departments are contacted as needed.

4. Documentation and follow-up will be accomplished by DPS, Physical Plant Office, or other appropriate offices/departments.

5. Emergency instructions are posted by doors in all buildings.

6. The College Crisis Team may opt to respond in accordance with the National Incident Management System (NIMS) and proceed with the appropriate incident command action.

Emergency Transportation and Messages


Call (870-850-4911) or (911) if an ambulance is needed. Provide clear information to the responding officer. DPS will call and direct emergency personnel to the correct location.


The college does not assume the cost for the use of the ambulance transportation.

The college will not assume responsibility for consequences of a refusal of ambulance

Individuals refusing ambulance transportation are responsible for their transportation to a medical
facility, i.e., friend, family member.

The Department of Public Safety (DPS) and SEARK employees are prohibited from providing transportation to
anyone in crisis.

Emergency Messages/Text Messages/Public Address System

The Vice President for Student Affairs Office (Welcome Center Rm. 842) is responsible for accepting and delivering valid emergency messages to students, faculty and staff. The procedure is as follows:

Forward any calls/messages to the Vice President of Student Affairs Office at 870-850-4826 or Security Office at 870-850-4911.

A staff member or DPS will document and deliver the message(s). Messages that are considered non-emergency ARE NOT delivered.

Emergency test messages can be sent to activated cell phones via the SEARK E2 Campus Alert system in certain campus crisis situations.

The college public address system can be activated by the President for certain campus crisis situations.

Fire Procedures

If you smell smoke or observe a fire:

Stay calm and speak clearly when communicating!

In class: The instructor wills end one person to pull the fire evacuation alarm nearest to the class and a second person to verbally report the fire by calling Department of Public Safety (DPS) at 870-850-4911 or 911 on campus phones.

When calling, pleas provide the following:

  • Location of fire (building name, first/second floor, room number etc.)
  • Status of the fire alarm
  • Your name and (faculty, staff or student)

Immediately evacuate the area

DO NOT use the elevators if the building has one

DO NOT attempt to enter smoke filled or “hot” rooms


DPS is normally responsible for initiating call so the fire department.

When a fire alarm sounds, an immediate and orderly evacuation from the affected building(s) is required. Instructors shall assist impaired and non-ambulatory individuals in their classes.

Accompany any immobile individuals to the nearest stairway or door and stay with the individual until a DPS Officer or Fire Department official arrives.

Notify DPS at 870-850-4911 of the location of any individual who is physically impaired and unable to move without assistance.

Wheelchair stair descent devices are near top of the stairwell in McGeorge to assist students in wheelchairs.

Do not attempt to move individual from a wheelchair or carry someone in a wheelchair unless it is absolutely necessary for the safety of the individual.

Bomb Threat Procedures

In the event a bomb threat is received, the following procedures shall be followed:
1. An employee who receives a bomb threat should remain calm and make notes.

2. Write down the number displayed on the caller ID display of your telephone and all other information. (Time, date, number of call preceding and after the threat if possible)

3. Attempt to identify background noises that may help to determine the location of the caller, such as traffic, music, laughter, etc., and note the information.

4. Make an educated guess, and try to determine critical information about the caller such as his/her gender, age, race voice, accent, or determine whether the caller is using a disguised voice.

5. The employee should ask what time is scheduled to explode, attempt to obtain the location of the bomb and, if possible, ask the caller what is the reason for the threat.

6. The employee should immediately notify the Department of Public Safety (DPS) at 870-557-4211 who in turn shall contact the Office of the President or his/her representative at 870-543-5907 or 870-543-5961.

7. The decision to evacuate a building during a bomb threat is made by the President. In the absence of the President the designated representative will make the decision.

8. Cell phones shall not be use whenever there is a college response to a credible bomb threat or until an all clear has been given by the Incident Commander.

Tornado & Inclement Weather Procedures

Tornado Watch:

Definition: Weather conditions that can result in the formation of severe weather and/or dismissal\ Of classes and the closure of the college.

The Department of Public Safety (DPS), the Provost’s office and the President’s office monitors hazardous weather conditions with a weather scanner and from bulletins issued by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and the National Weather Service, Little Rock, Arkansas Weather Forecast Office. Once it is determined that dangerous conditions exist, the President’s Office or signee will notify the E2Campus administrator of the warning.

Tornado Warning:

Definition: The observance of a tornado is reported or indicated by radar.

  1. DPS notifies the President or designee. The decision to evacuate can only be made by the President, a designee or a Vice President Officer. All person should move away from window and move towards the center of the building. Go to the area designated as an EMERGENCY SAFE ZONE.
  2. DPS and designated Building Safety Captains will help shelter all persons in campus buildings if a tornado is imminent.
  3. The DPS secures all buildings.
  4. In the event of a message or announcement to “Shelter in Place” (all personnel must proceed to the building EMERGENCY SAFE ZONE (see figure below).
  5. Remain “sheltered in place” until directed by the Security Officers or Building Safety Captains that it is safe to leave the EMERGENCY SAFE ZONE.
shelter in place

Emergency Safe Zone Designation Sign

Crisis Behaviors

What to do during crisis behaviors:

1. Remain calm and speak clearly when communicating

2. Contact the Department of Public Safety (DPS) at 870-850-4911


Types of crisis behavior:

  • Inappropriate campus behavior
  • Medical emergencies
  • Psychological emergencies


Definition: a behavior which may be the cause of personal injury or property damage and/or is a threat to the stability and continuance of normal college or college-sponsored activities.

  • Non-acceptance of classroom norms
  • Defiance-expression of hatred, aggressive verbal/physical behavior
  • Harassment of student instructor or employee
  • Direct verbal and/or physical attack
  • Students fondling each other
  • Possession of a weapon
  • Criminal activity
  • Alcohol or drugs in use
  • Chronic fabrications and deceptions


Definition: a physical condition which may require the attention of a medical professional including, but not limited to:

  • Serious physical injury
  • Slurred speech
  • Intentional Harm
  • Disorientation
  • Nausea/vomiting
  • Seizures
  • Burns
  • Bleeding
  • Loss of consciousness
  • Fainting


Definition: a temporary inability to cope with a life problem, usually accompanied by a high degree of emotional upset.

  • Unable to assume responsibility for self
  • Complete withdrawal
  • Terrorism, or threat to harm
  • Signs of extreme stress
  • Signs of extreme apathy
  • Uncontrollable crying
  • Verbal/written communication of possible suicide
  • Statements of hopelessness, helplessness or defeat
  • A highly emotional state, panic or anxiety
  • Mental confusion/disorder

Special Note: If a weapon is brought on campus, notify DPS at once or whenever there is a safe opportunity. Officers have been trained to respond. A decision to run away, duck and cover, or shelter will depend on the situation. Emergency information will be sent by the test messaging system and other current communications technology. Remain calm, listen, and look for instructions.

Building/Campus Evacuation


Emergency/Critical Incident Evacuation; when a decision to evacuate is made by the SEARK President or proper authority.

1. Stay calm and speak clearly when communicating!

2. Notify the Department of Public Safety (DPS) at 870-850-4911 with details of incident. DPS has appropriate authority to act in criminal situations. If DPS personnel cannot be reach by telephone, send someone to the DPS Offices in the Welcome Center (shared location with IT) for help.

A. DPS has the primary responsibility for evacuating buildings and/or campus

B. If there is a need to evacuate the campus, DPS will coordinate and direct traffic

C. If assistance is required, DPS will contact the outside agency that is needed

3. The Building Captains, DPS and Physical Plant Staff will provide assistance in evacuating buildings and/or campus. They will also assist disabled personnel as necessary.

4. Building Evacuation: Locations

A. College Hall Administration Building evacuate to the south parking lot by 18th St.

B. College Hall Commons Building evacuate to the south parking lot by 18th St.

C. Student Services Building evacuate to south parking lot by 18th St.

D. Business Services Building evacuate to south parking lot by 17th St.

E. Founders Hall Building evacuate to the south parking lot by 18th St.

F. McGeorge Hall Building evacuate to the east parking lot by Technology Center North Building

G. Workforce Development Center Building evacuate to the WDC south parking lot by 17th St.

H. Physical Plant Building and Office evacuate to the WDC south parking lot by 17th St.

I. Library and e-Learning Center evacuate to the south parking lot by 18th St.

J. Technology Services Building evacuate to the north parking lot by 17th St.

K. Welcome Center and Administration Building evacuate to entrance parking lot by Hazel St.

L. Technology Center evacuate to the south parking lot by 17th St.

5. Building Evacuation: Biological/Chemical Spill

A. Stay calm and speak clearly when communicating

B. Evacuate the immediate area

C. Call the SEARK Department of Public Safety (DPS), who will notify the required departments

D. Close the door, keep others away from the door, and isolate the area

E. Wash your hands with soap and water

F. Follow the directions provided by DPS or the Building Safety Captain

DPS and Building Safety Captains are responsible for giving instructions to safely evacuate all person from campus buildings. Evacuation routes will be determined at the time of an incident. Determination of a route is dependent upon the nature of the incident and best evacuation route for the building.

Should building occupants be told to “Shelter in Place” all personnel must proceed to the pre-designated EVACUATION SAFE ZONE (see Building figures1-14). All personnel remain sheltered until they are directed by DPS or Building Safety Captains that it is safe to leave the EVCAUATION SAFE ZONE. In some cases, “Shelter in Place” may mean sheltering within campus offices or classrooms as is necessary.

During the time that college personnel are sheltered, the building HVAC systems are shut “Off” (if needed) and all windows and doors closed. The Physical Plant is responsible for performing these duties.

shelter in place

Emergency Safe Zone Designation Sign