Southeast Arkansas College Celebrates First Graduate of the Prison Education Program

Southeast Arkansas College Celebrates 2024 Commencement Ceremony
Southeast Arkansas College held its 2024 Commencement Ceremony on Thursday, May 16, 2024, at 7:00 p.m. at the Pine Bluff Convention Center Arena. SEARK College conferred a total of 361 degrees and certificates, honoring all graduates of the 2023-2024 academic year.
Dr. Tyrone Jackson Named President of Southeast Arkansas College
The Board of Trustees of Southeast Arkansas College (SEARK) is pleased to announce the appointment of Dr. Tyrone Jackson as the college's next President, effective July 1, 2024. Dr. Jackson, currently serving as the President at Mississippi Delta Community College, MS, brings with him a wealth of experience and a steadfast commitment to student success.
Finalists Announced for President of Southeast Arkansas College
Southeast Arkansas College (SEARK) is pleased to announce the selection of three finalists for the position of President of SEARK College. After an extensive search process, the finalists have been identified as follows (listed alphabetically):
Dr. Stacy Pfluger of Southeast Arkansas College Selected for the Aspen Institute’s Rising Fellowship
With Wave of Experienced Community College Presidents Retiring, New Aspen Fellow Commits to Learning the Practices of Transformational Leaders
The Trinity Foundation Donates $325,000 to SEARK College Capital Campaign

Southeast Arkansas College & Reach University Remove The Transfer & Cost Barriers To Bachelor’s Degree Attainment For Working Adults
New articulation agreement transfers 100 percent of credits into Reach’s job-embedded B.A. program, providing exposure to a career in teaching, while addressing local teacher shortages.
Southeast Arkansas College And Arkansas Tech University Sign Articulation Agreement To Enhance Education Pathways

SEARK College Presidential Search
The Board of Trustees has announced that the search is underway for the next President of Southeast Arkansas College. Applications and nominations for the position of President of Southeast Arkansas College are currently being accepted until the position is filled.
SEARK College Announces the Fall 2023 President’s List
Southeast Arkansas College (SEARK) is proud to announce the Fall 2023 President’s list. Students named to the President’s list must have completed at least twelve or more semester hours (applicable to a degree) during a fall or spring term of enrollment and earned a grade point average of 4.0 for the semester.