Tutoring Central
Tutoring Central offers free tutoring services face to face, zoom, by phone, or email. We have professional math, English, and science tutors because these are the 3 high demand areas. All instructors tutor at least one hour a week in his or her discipline during the fall and spring semesters.
The tutoring schedule is on the SEARK App and in Canvas. The schedule is updated when changes occur. We also offer on-demand workshops to help students be successful in college called StudentLingo (www.studentlingo.com/adhe). These workshops are free, online, and are available 24/7.
Finally, we have workshops throughout the semester, mainly in math and English. Appointments are made through Waitwhile, but walk-ins are welcomed. You can contact us by coming to the library (Learning Resource Center), by calling us, or by emailing us.
Request for Tutoring Services Form (Web)
Request for Tutoring Services Form (PDF)
Tutoring Central Online:
Tutoring Central Online is a Free Service available to current students. The available courses include:
- Mathematics
- Health Care
- Technology
- English
- Programming
- Science
- Nursing
- History
For more information, contact tutoringcentral@seark.edu.
Tutoring Central Online Brochure PDF
Hours of Operation:
Tutoring begins the first week of class.
- Monday-Thursday 8:00 a.m.- 8:00 p.m.
- Friday 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.
- Saturday 10:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m.
Tutoring vary depending on availability.
Schedule an Appointment:
Our Location:
SEARK Library E-Learning Center (Learning Resource Center)
Contact Us:
Tikeecha Spikes, Tutoring Coordinator tspikes@seark.edu 870-850-4840
Also at tutoringcentral@seark.edu.
Tutoring Schedule
View the current tutoring schedule (PDF)